China used to be a veritable bicycle country. In the 1980s and 1990s, the number of bicycles in China was conservatively estimated to be more than 500 million. However, with the increasing convenience of public transportation and the increasing number of private cars, the number of bicycles has been declining year by year. By 2019, there will be less than 300 million bicycles in China other than electric bikes.

 But in the past two years, bicycles are quietly returning to our side. It’s just that these bikes are no longer what you remembered in your youth.

According to the China Cycling Association, there are currently more than 100 million people who ride regularly across the country. The “2021 China Sports Bicycle Survey Report” shows that 24.5% of users ride every day, and 49.85% of users ride once or more a week. The bicycle equipment market is ushering in the first sales boom after the millennium, and high-end equipment has become the main force of this growth.


Can bicycles with more than 5,000 yuan sell well?

In the past two years, cycling has become the social password of the popular circle of friends.

Data show that the scale of China’s bicycle market in 2021 is 194.07 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 265.67 billion yuan by 2027. The rapid growth of the current bicycle market scale depends on the rise of high-end bicycles. Since May this year, the bicycle market has become even more intense. The sales of high-end imported bicycles with an average price of RMB 11,700 each hit a new high in more than five years.

Judging from the data, in this round of bicycle sales, products above 10,000 yuan are the most popular. In 2021, cyclists’ purchase budget of 8,001 to 15,000 yuan will account for the highest proportion, reaching 27.88%, followed by 26.91% in the range of 15,001 to 30,000 yuan.


Why are expensive bicycles suddenly popular?

Economic downturn, layoffs by major factories, why does the bicycle market usher in a small spring? In addition to factors such as the progress of the times and environmental protection, rising oil prices have also promoted the hot sale of bicycles from one side!

In Northern Europe, bicycles are a very important means of transportation. Taking Denmark as an example, as a Nordic country that pays attention to environmental protection, bicycles are the first choice for Danes to travel. Whether it is commuters, citizens, postmen, police, or even government officials, all ride bicycles. For the convenience of cycling and safety considerations, there are special lanes for bicycles on any road.

With the improvement of the annual income level of human settlements in my country, carbon reduction and environmental protection have also become issues that people pay attention to. What’s more, the motor vehicle lottery can’t be shaken, the parking fee is often dozens of yuan a day, and the traffic jam can make people collapse, so it seems that many people choose bicycles to travel is a natural thing. Especially this year, the two major first-tier cities work from home, and the national home fitness campaign led by Liu Genghong has been launched. The popularization of concepts such as “green travel” and “low-carbon life” has prompted more and more consumers to ride cycling. favorite.

In addition, affected by the economic environment, global oil prices have soared since the beginning of this year, and the rise in oil prices has caused the cost of motor vehicle travel to rise. And high-end bicycles have become a helpless choice for middle-class and middle-aged people for economic and health reasons.

The bicycle market has quietly changed in recent years. The high premium brought by high-priced bicycles will be the direction of efforts for domestic bicycle brands to get rid of difficulties and increase profits in the future.


Post time: Sep-05-2022