The government of British Columbia, Canada (abbreviated as BC) has increased cash rewards to consumers who buy electric bicycles, encourages green travel, and enables consumers to reduce their expenditure on electric bicycles, and get real benefits.

Canadian Minister of Transport Claire said in a press conference: “We increase the cash rewards for individuals or businesses buying electric bicycles. Electric bicycles are much cheaper than cars and are a safe and green way to travel. We look forward to more people using electric bicycles. .”

When consumers trade in their cars, if they buy an electric bicycle, they can get a reward of US$1050, an increase of 200 Canadian dollars over last year. In addition, BC has also launched a pilot project for companies, where companies that purchase electric cargo bikes (up to 5) can receive a reward of 1700 Canadian dollars. The Ministry of Transportation will provide 750,000 Canadian dollars in subsidies for these two cash-back programs within two years. Energy Canada also provides 750,000 Canadian dollars for the vehicle end-of-life program and 2.5 million Canadian dollars for the special vehicle use program.

Environment Minister Heyman believes: “E-bikes are very popular nowadays, especially for people who are far away and in hilly areas. E-bikes are easier to travel and reduce emissions. Give up the use of old and inefficient vehicles and choose green and healthy ones. Electric bicycle travel is an important means of implementing the climate change strategy.

Post time: May-05-2022