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“The RuPay NCMC (National General Transportation Card) offline wallet can be used to pay for tickets on the way, including subway, bus tickets, taxi fares, etc., which can realize automatic and fast cashless payment, thereby reducing waiting time, traffic congestion and reducing In order to cross the border, these transactions are faster than regular card transactions and can eliminate the hassle of queuing.”
As people’s awareness of immunity, health and nutrition increases, the health sector has the highest year-on-year growth during this period, reaching 20.45%. IDSA reports that cosmetics sales are also close to 20%, while sales of home care and household products have increased by 15.17%.
According to the source, certain complaints have been registered on Sebi’s SCORES platform, and these complaints have yet to be resolved, and the pending clarification may be related to those unresolved complaints rather than transactions.
We provide a variety of advertising options, including events, advertisements, banners, emails, webinars, etc.

Post time: Dec-23-2020