Method 2: Reverse the stem

If you need a particularly aggressive stem angle, you can flip the stem over and mount it at a “negative angle”. the

If the shims are too small to achieve the desired effect, the stem can be flipped to further increase the overall drop.

Most mountain bike stems will be mounted at a positive angle, creating an upward angle, but we can also do the opposite.

Here you need to repeat all the above steps and remove the handlebar from the stem cover.

step 1】

With the bike’s wheels in place, take note of the handlebar angle and brake lever angle.

Put a piece of electrical tape on the handlebar to facilitate the alignment of the handlebar during the next installation.

Loosen the bolt that holds the handlebar to the front of the stem. Remove the stem cover and store it in a safe place.

If you feel too much resistance when loosening the screw, apply a little grease to the threads.

Step 2】

Allow the handlebar to sag slightly to the side, and now follow the steps for replacing the stem gasket outlined in steps 1 through 4 above.

This step can ask others to help fix the position.

Step 3】

Remove the stem from the fork and turn it over to reinstall it on the fork upper tube.

Step 4】

Determine how much to lower or raise, and add or reduce shims of the appropriate height.

Even a small change in the height of the handlebars can make a big difference, so we don’t need to worry too much.

Step 5】

Reinstall the handlebar and adjust the handlebar angle to be the same as before.

Tighten the stem cover screws evenly to the manufacturer’s recommended torque (usually between 4-8Nm), making sure there is even clearance from the top to the bottom of the stem cover. If the gap is uneven, it is easy to cause deformation of the handlebar or stem cover.

While this is often the case, not all stem bezels have an even gap. If in doubt, please check the user manual.

Continue the above steps 3 to 7, and at the end fix the stand screws and the headset top cover screws.

Uneven spacing will cause the bolts to break easily, and this step requires special attention.

Post time: Nov-21-2022