On Earth Day, April 22, 2022, the International Cycling Union (UCI) once again raised the question of the vital role of cycling in global climate action.


Now is the time to act, says UCI President David Lappartient. Research shows that bicycles can help humanity cut carbon emissions in half by 2030 to mitigate global warming, and calls for action through green travel such as cycling.


According to the statistics of Our World In Data of Oxford University, the use of bicycles instead of cars for short trips can reduce emissions by about 75%; the Imperial College London said that if a person replaces a car with a bicycle every day, it can be reduced by about half within a year. tons of carbon dioxide; the UN Environment Programme says that compared to driving a car, a bicycle can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1kg for every 7km traveled for the same distance.


In the future, green travel will enter the field of vision of more people. Influenced by the dual-carbon policy, consumption upgrades and environmental awareness, as well as the technological intelligence drive of the entire export industry, the two-wheel industry has become more and more sought after by people, and the trend of intelligence, automation and electrification is becoming more and more obvious.


Developed countries in Europe and the United States even take electric two-wheeled vehicles as a popular trend. Taking the US market as an example, according to statistics and forecasts by Statista, by 2024, nearly 300,000 electric bicycles will be sold in the United States. Compared with 2015, the growth rate of electric scooters and electric motorcycles is astonishing, and the growth rate is as high as 600%! This is a growing market.


According to Statista, by 2024, the bicycle market will reach $62 billion; by 2027, the electric bicycle market will reach $53.5 billion. According to AMR’s forecast, by 2028, the sales of electric scooters will reach US$4.5 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of 12.2%. Are you excited about such a huge market?


Let’s take a look at the market opportunities for Chinese sellers! Compared with the domestic low-end two-wheeled electric vehicle market, which is already a red sea, there is a huge gap in the overseas market for two-wheeled electric vehicles. According to data from Founder Securities, compared to bicycles and motorcycles, which account for 80% and 40% of exports, China’s two-wheeled electric vehicle exports account for less than 10%, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. It is not difficult to see that there is still great potential and opportunity for Chinese sellers to export two rounds of products.


Post time: Jul-21-2022