Even though cycling tourism is quite popular in many countries in Europe for example, you know that China is one of the largest countries in the world, so it means that the distances are way longer than here. However, following the Covid-19 pandemic, many Chinese people who weren’t able to travel outside of China were able to do cycling tourism within China.


According to a report, scenic routes in the suburbs of China’s first and second-tier cities, including Miaofeng Mountain in Beijing, Longquan Mountain in Sichuan, Yuelu Mountain in Hunan, Three Hill steps of Gele Mountain in Chongqing, and Longjing Climbing in Zhejiang, have become the most popular cycling routes in their respective provinces and cities. Cycling around Taiwan Island, Chongming Island in Shanghai, Hainan Island in Hainan Province, and Huandao Road in Xiamen, Fujian Province, became the most popular cycling routes in China.

Post time: Apr-12-2022