Proper cycling is good for your health. A study of various modes of travel in Spain shows that the benefits of cycling go beyond this, and it can also help drive away bad moods and reduce loneliness.
The researchers conducted a basic questionnaire survey on more than 8,800 people, 3,500 of whom later participated in the final survey on traffic and health. Questionnaire questions related to the mode of transportation that people travel, the frequency of using transportation, and the assessment of their overall health. The modes of transportation covered in the questionnaire include driving, riding a motorcycle, riding a bicycle, riding an electric bicycle, taking public transportation and walking. The part related to mental health mainly focuses on the degree of anxiety, tension, emotional loss and sense of well-being.
The researchers’ analysis found that of all modes of travel, cycling was the most beneficial for mental health, followed by walking. Not only does this make them feel healthier and more energetic, it also increases their interaction with family and friends.
India’s AsiaNews International News Agency quoted researchers as saying on the 14th that this is the first study to combine the use of multiple urban transport methods with health effects and social interactions. Transportation isn’t just about “mobility,” it’s about public health and people’s well-being, researchers say.
Post time: Dec-12-2022