【Misunderstanding 1: Posture】

Wrong cycling posture not only affects the exercise effect, but also easily causes damage to the body. For example, turning your legs outward, bowing your head, etc. are all incorrect postures.

The correct posture is: the body leans forward slightly, the arms are straightened, the abdomen is tightened, and the abdominal breathing method is adopted. Keep your legs parallel to the crossbeam of the bike, keep your knees and hips coordinated, and pay attention to the riding rhythm.


Misunderstanding 2: Action】

Most people think that the so-called pedaling means stepping down and turning the wheel.

In fact, correct pedaling should include: stepping, pulling, lifting, and pushing 4 coherent actions.

Step on the soles of the feet first, then retract the calf and pull it back, then lift it up, and finally push it forward, so as to complete a circle of pedaling.

Pedaling in such a rhythm not only saves energy but also increases speed.


Post time: Nov-30-2022