Can Cycling Boost Your Immune System? How to enhance it? We consulted scientists in related fields to find out whether long-term cycling has an impact on our body’s immune system.


Professor Geraint Florida-James is Research Leader for Sport, Health and Exercise Science at Edinburgh Napier University and Academic Director of the Scottish Mountain Bike Centre. At the Scottish Mountain Bike Centre, where he instructs and trains enduro mountain bikers, he insists cycling is a great activity for those looking to boost their body’s immune system.

“In the history of human evolution, we have never evolved in the direction of sedentary, and time and time again, it has been shown that exercise has tremendous benefits for the human body, including improving your immune system. As we age, the body Function will decline, and the immune system is no exception. What we have to do is to slow down this decline as much as possible. How to slow down the decline in physical function? Cycling is a good way. Because during exercise, the correct riding posture can Keeping the body in a supported position, so there is less impact on the musculoskeletal system. Of course, we need to pay attention to the balance of exercise and rest/recovery to maximize the benefits of exercise to strengthen the immune system.”
If you ride less in winter, how else can you boost your immunity? Due to the short sunshine time and less good weather, cycling in winter can be said to be a big challenge. In addition to the aforementioned sanitation measures, Professor Florida-James said that in the end it is still necessary to pay attention to “balance”. “You need to make sure you’re eating a balanced diet and matching your caloric intake to your expenditure, especially after a long ride,” he says. “Sleep is also very important, it’s a necessary step in the body’s active recovery, and it’s another step in staying fit and maintaining athletic performance.” element.”

Post time: Feb-20-2023