City bike

Nicola Dunnicliff-Wells, a cycling education specialist and mother, confirmed it was safe during the investigation.

It is generally agreed that regular exercise is beneficial for pregnant women. Reasonable exercise can maintain a sense of well-being during pregnancy, it also helps the body prepare for childbirth, and it is also conducive to the recovery of the body after childbirth.

Glenys Janssen, a midwife nurse at the Royal Women’s Hospital Childbirth Education and Training Unit, encourages pregnant women to exercise, citing numerous benefits.

“It helps you identify with yourself and also helps with weight control.”

The rate of diabetes among pregnant women is rising sharply, largely because more and more women are overweight.

“If you exercise regularly, you’re less likely to develop diabetes and you’re better able to manage your weight.”

Glenys said some people are concerned that exercise could cause miscarriage or harm the baby, but there is no research to show that moderate aerobic exercise has any negative effects on a normal, healthy pregnancy.

“If there are complications, such as multiple births, high blood pressure, then don’t exercise, or do moderate exercise under the guidance of a doctor or physical therapist.”

Post time: Jul-19-2022