In the near future, the Bicycle culture of China was a powerful driving force leading the bicycle industry . This is actually not new, but an upgrade, the first innovative development at the China Bicycle Culture Forum, and a discussion and discussion on the development and development of Chinese culture was held in China. As the market continues to change and develop, it seems that this has been positively confirmed now. Understand why GUA BICYCLE wants to emphasize the role of bicycle culture.

In fact, the rapid development of the bicycle industry in recent years has been obvious to all.  The development of the bicycle industry is a reflection on the traditional industrial economy at the expense of too much environment and public interests, making the development of a green economy a new trend in the world.

Looking at the view that “the innovation of bicycle culture is a powerful driving force for the development of the bicycle industry”, it is in line with the current international development of the bicycle industry, and is prescient and practical. Culture is a bridge for people to communicate their hearts and emotions, and a bond for deepening understanding and trust. The exchange and integration based on culture is far more long-term and profound than single economic and trade exchanges.

Post time: May-06-2022